Swanage Victorian PiersSunnydale Road to DurlstonThe Tennis Courts near DurlstonStation Road in the late 1800sInstitute Road in the late 1800s or early 1900sThe Town SquareThe Downs and Ballard DownMount Scar School and playing fieldSwanage High Street and the Black Swan InnMillpondThe Downs and Swanage BayPeveril point radio mast and hotelLooking up the High StreetThe Millpond and St Marys ChurchThe Millpond and Church HillDurlston GlobeSwanage Football team early 1900sSouthern National busTown Hall and High StreetHigh Street and HerstonGrosvenor Hotel from the airAmusementsLifeboat Station and Paddle steamersSwanage Cottage Hospital