Add your Accommodation

Add your Accommodation Listing in to Virtual Swanage

Adding your accommodation business to Virtual Swanage is easy and gives you the following features

  • Accommodation Availability (let visitors know when you have rooms available.)
  • Online Review System (your customers can leave a review of their experiences with your business)
  • Special Offers shown on the website home page, Accommodation home page and within your listings
  • Prices manager
  • Up to 30 photos of your business
  • Accommodation Name
  • Accommodation Address
  • Location Map
  • Up to 10,000 word description
  • List your business in up to 3 categories
  • Contact Telephone and Fax numbers
  • Link to your own website
  • Social Media links
  • Email Enquiry Form with online message system
  • Add your facilities with over 70 separate categories
  • Add your up-to the minute vacancies and administer your listing in our secure online administration area.
  • Add travel information for your business and opening times
  • No extra charge for updates or to enable or disable features such as Availability and Reviews.

Accommodation Listing for only £40+vat per year.

If you would like to advertise on Virtual Swanage please enter your information in the form below and click "Submit Listing" to send your listing request.

Please ensure that your email software is set to not block any emails sent from All invoices are sent from this email address.

Submission Notes: You can not enter any of the following characters: Single Quote ' , Double Quote " or Question Marks ?

Listing Options

Contact and Invoice Details

Please enter a contact name, email, invoice address and telephone number, this is for our records only and will not be displayed with your listing on the website.

Admin Username and Password

Please enter a username and password, this is used to login to the Accommodation Admin system to update your listing at any time.

Accommodation Details

Please enter the details for your business below

Social Media

Please add links to your social media profiles and pages

Facilities Available

Please select all the facilities that your accommodation offers



Accessibility Facilities


General Information

Camping/Caravan Sites


Business & Events

Please confirm that all the details above are correct and click the button below to submit your listing entry.

When we receive your details we will contact you to confirm your submission and then add your business to the accommodation area at Virtual Swanage. We will also send you details of the online administration area that enables you to edit your listing and add/change your listings photograph at any time.

Payment can be made for your listing using Bank Transfer or via cheque.

Consent to use of data

By completing and submitting this form to Virtual Swanage, you agree that the information provided in this form is correct and can be included with no limitations in the Virtual Swanage Online Guide business database and made available to anyone accessing the website. You maybe contacted from time to time by Virtual Swanage to confirm your listing details and/or advise you of changes that may affect your listing.

By submitting this form you agree to the above terms and conditions of usage for your listing at Virtual Swanage
Please ensure all the above information is correct before submitting this form.
